Immunization Schedule

 Your Neighborhood Pediatrics team believes in the importance of regular check-ups to keep your child well. These appointments provide preventative exams and vaccinations, the chance to catch any health issues early, and opportunities to address any questions or concerns you have at every stage of your child’s development.

At the time of your well-child visits, we will discuss and provide any appropriate immunizations. We follow the American Academy of Pediatrics Guidelines for the schedule of these well visits and immunizations. You can refer to Vaccine Information Statements (VIS) produced by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to understand more about both the benefits and risks of any particular vaccine.

The schedule for your well-child visits is provided here, along with a list of the immunizations needed for each age group.

Patient Forms


We ask you to seek only the best-researched information on unbiased websites. Two great websites that are not government related are at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia at and We’re here to answer your questions, and we believe vaccinations are currently our greatest responsibility as pediatricians. Your children’s lives depend on them!

Recommended Reading

Immunizations and Infectious Diseases: an Informed Parents Guide
Margaret Fisher, M.D., Editor in Chief, AAP

Available Here

What Every Parent Should Know About Vaccines
Paul Offit, Louis Bell, M.D.

This is a great, short book that reviews specific vaccines and the diseases they prevent. Available Here

Six Common Misconceptions and How To Respond To Them

This is another book that targets the most common misconceptions in the anti-vaccine literature and offers sensible responses. Available Here